At that amount of deflection I never saw much affect.  After it starts going
past that, you feel it, and then when all the way down, it really makes a
difference.  I originally had a momentary switch on my down, but quickly
replaced it with an "all the way down" switch.  I get close to 90 degrees.

See N64KR at  <> - Then click on
the pics 

2015 KR Gathering - McMinnville, OR.  September 3 - 6 -- See U There.

Peoples Choice at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il ? MVN 

Best KR at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il ? MVN 

Best Interior at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il ? MVN 

Best Paint at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il ? MVN 

Best Firwwall Forward at 2013 - KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il ? MVN 

Best Interior and Panel at 2008 ? KR Gathering in Mt. Vernon, Il - MVN

Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC

-----Original Message-----

Far more important than whether the board has holes or not is whether it can
be extended to something approaching 90?.  Flying Jim Morehead's KR with
it's excellent belly board was several orders of magnitude better than mine
which only goes down 35 or 40 degrees.

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