Ill build it stock for now.

On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 8:48 AM, JAMES DUFF <jamieduff1981 at> 
> As Mike says.
> If you're flying under UK law it needs to be built as per plans which is
> what the design has been assessed against, unless it's a KR2S in which case
> it's as per plans plus some mandatory modifications which the LAA will send
> you drawings of.

I will do that later.

> It is possible to modify from the plans, but mods need to be approved via a
> documentation package demonstrating by calculation their safety and
> integrity. Structural mods will also require physical load testing.
> Dudley Pattison of the Swindon Aircraft Timber Company was good, but I hear
> he's trying to retire.

Spruce is like Gold nowadays. Which is a good substitute? Baltic Pine?
bald cypress?

Anybody got a stand of stika spruce they can spare? ;-)

> If built under UK law it needs to be built with Sitka Spruce and GL1 grade
> birch ply. You can use GL2 ply for non-structural stuff, but I can't think

WOW! That Law needs to be changed!

> of anything non-structural on a plans-built KR2 off the top of my head.
> I would most strongly suggest you heed Mike's advice and contact the LAA for
> advice before proceeding any further.
> Regards,
> Jamie

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