
You must have read something I did not.  I don't think anyone was advocating the
balance test as the only W&B check.  I am going to do it for my own "warm fuzzy"
that all is well before I fly the plane. 


> On May 21, 2015 at 5:29 PM Jeff Scott via KRnet <krnet at> 
> wrote:
> I realize the KR series aircraft are small and resemble RC aircraft, but come
> on guys. Performing a proper W&B just isn't that difficult. We will be
> conducting a W&B seminar at the KR Gathering in September. Initially, I
> thought that would be a waste of time. However, after reading the discussions
> here, I can see that it may be much more appropriate than I thought and I will
> spend some time preparing an educational seminar.
> Perform your W&B with your aircraft in an all up ready to fly configuration
> minus usable fuel, baggage, handheld devices and passengers to get an empty
> weight and empty CG. Add in the moment arm for the positions for the
> passengers, fuel and baggage. It's simple multiplication, addition, and
> division. This is a necessity to do before the FAA issues an Airworthiness
> Certificate, and a necessity if you plan to live long enough to enjoy flying
> your aircraft.
> I don't know whether we plan to weigh any aircraft or not, but we will work
> with some realistic numbers and perform several classroom W&B calculations. We
> will also have some discussion about the handling characteristics of aircraft
> flown out of CG, as bad things happen whether it's out of balance either
> Forward or Aft.
> -Jeff Scott
> Los Alamos, NM
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