Chris Pryce said, 

> "After my visit I looked up the KR-1 info and the plans show only two
hinges. I'm guessing that's the reason for your plane only having two."

Hi Chris.  I was checking Sparky's rudder play and it has a little bit -
less than mine.  Sparky re-built Bob Passmore's KR-2, originally signed
off in 1982.  It also has two hinges.  The KR-2 only had two rudder
hinges in the early years.  Somewhere along the line they must have
changed that if the current plans call for three. 

Those bushings from Spruce, and nylon ones from hardware store are good
ideas which I'll follow up on.  

I've got a few powder coaters around me and am wondering if powdercoating
the pin might add just enough diameter for it to fit tightly again. 
Meanwhile I'll start adding hinge maintenance/lubrication to my
maintenance items.  


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