I had a nice 63 mile cross country flight today after our hangar 
breakfast to a 3000 foot grass strip for a local EAA chapter fall 
picnic.  180 mph ground speed going out, 127 on the return.   Great 
people and nice airplanes including a polished twin Beech and a 
turbine ag tractor.  The local ag flier had laid 600 foot of asphalt 
on the hangar end of the strip and I was hoping to find out just what 
takeoff distance the KR could make.  On my side was a 10 mph head 
wind and a -400 density altitude (cool fall temps).  Full power, tail 
up, and it lifted off just as the wheels reached the end of the asphalt.

Back at my home airport I noticed when exiting the KR that my 
tailwheel was completely flat.  Never a problem before today and I 
have no idea of the cause.  Totally flat and I couldn't tell it on 
taxi.  The tube looked scuffed but I relate that to the taxi in with 
a flat.  I can only wonder if the cool temps lowered the pressure in 
the tiny tire to the point that maybe it spun on the rim on touch 
down.  Other than that, not a clue.  I had an extra tube and 30 
minutes later I had the wheel remounted.  I still love the pneumatic 
tail wheel over the old solid wheel.  It is great.

Larry Flesner 

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