On 10/24/2015 7:17 AM, CraigW via KRnet wrote:
> So let me pose
> a question. If that is true and  you make a major change like going from a VW 
> to
> a Corvair do you have to go back to Phase 1?

Yes.  The specifics will be written in your operating limitations.  For 
example, for my 1999 Glastar it says:

"The cognizant FAA office must be notified and their
response received in writing prior to flying this aircraft after
incorporating a major change as defined by FAR section 21.93"

Current guidance can be found in FAA Order 8130.2g.


If you have op lims after 1999, the aircraft owner now just has to make
two entries in the logbook - one describing the major change, and after
a minimum of a five hour test flight, one showing that the safety of the
aircraft (FAR 91.319) and the critical airspeeds (Vx, Vy, Vso) have been
reestablished. No need to contact the FSDO.

Note that 8130.2g starts with:

"After incorporating a major change
as described in 14 CFR ? 21.93"

21.93 says, "A ??minor change?? is one that has no appreciable effect on 
the weight, balance, structural strength, reliability, operational 
characteristics, or other characteristics affecting the airworthiness of 
the product. All other changes are ??major changes?? (except as provided 
in paragraph (b) of this section)."

Changing to a different type of engine should be easily shown to be a 
major change.


Dj Merrill - N1JOV - EAA Chapter 87
Sportsman 2+2 Builder #7118 N421DJ - http://deej.net/sportsman/
Glastar Flyer N866RH - http://deej.net/glastar/

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