-----Original message-----
Sent: Saturday, 24 October 2015 at 13:17:10
From: "CraigW via KRnet" <krnet at list.krnet.org>
To: KRnet <krnet at list.krnet.org>
Subject: Re: KR> Phase 1 and Phase 2 flight testing
Interesting...I never thought you ever would go back to Phase 1.  So let me pose
a question. If that is true and  you make a major change like going from a VW to
a Corvair do you have to go back to Phase 1?


I have had my KR back in phase 1 testing several times following an engine 
change, new tail, etc, etc.  Time is set at the descretion of FSDO, but they 
have never assigned me more than 5 hrs.

-Jeff Scott

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