At 12:21 PM 1/5/2016, you wrote:
>Guys with speed brakes. Do you always do a full 
>deployment of your brake or do partial deployment as needed?
>I have internal limit switches in my actuator. 
>So all I need is a on on switch. ? Or if I want 
>to stop in the middle. ? I would need a on off on.

I have limit switches on both ends of my actuator 
but I use a "spring loaded down", "center off", 
and "locked up" switch (an early model Cessna 
flap switch) 
left of panel)

If I'm doing 120+ mph on downwind I will run the 
brake down a bit on base to start killing some 
speed and go full down on final.   Go 
to 1:45 minutes in to the video to see brake operation.

To run the brake up I simply put the switch in 
the up position and it goes full up till it hits the up limit.

Larry Flesner   

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