I have to second what DJ and Doran said.? I don't remember the last time I 
planned on paper.? If I am planning a significant cross country flight (meaning 
half the continenent or more), I'll keep an eye on the weather forecast via 
ADDS Weather, then do my preflight planning on Skyvector.? Anymore, I just 
print out the NavLog from Skyvector, and that's my flight plan.? Printing out 
the SkyVector NavLog is as close as I get to using paper.? I pick up a 
nationwide weather snapshot and current and forecast winds aloft overlaid on 
the Sectionals or clean screen (vector mode) on the iFly on my Android, and get 
ADS-B updates on both the Android iFly and my iFly GPS en route.?
35 years ago I flew a non-electric open cockpit Biplane coast to coast (SC to 
WA).? It was a lot more fun, but modern navigation has made flying so much 
easier.? No more circling water towers to figure out what town I'm near.? No 
more jumping out of the cockpit and looking at the phone book at the pay phone 
to see where I actually landed.? Things are much different now days.
?-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM
On 8/15/2016 8:22 PM, Paul Visk via KRnet wrote:
> He said the most pilots
> still plan on paper and use paper sectionals in flight.

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