On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Mark Langford via KRnet <
krnet at list.krnet.org> wrote:

> Whatever you do, do NOT waste your money on an MGL iEFIS.  I've been
> meaning to write this up for several months, but I know it would take me
> many weeks to list the many hardware and software failures that I've had
> with mine.  I will attempt a "short list" tonight.  I agree with Rudi that
> the previous MGL units we apparently good, but the iEFIS is an exception.
> Please consider the lowly iPad or iPad Mini.  These things are bullet
> proof, and can run all kinds of apps with thousands of users and very well
> developed software.  I bought a practically new Mini from ebay for $154
> last week. More tonight...
> Mark Langford
> ML at N56ML.com
> http://www.n56ml.com
> Interesting point on the iEFIS Mark, I have not seen one of those in a
local plane but you are not the first one to mention problems with the
unit! Lately I have used the XTreme-EFIS with great results as well as some
of their older products. I also have lots of their digital instruments in
my planes and they all work well.

I fully agree on the iPad/mini, I have been using one for a while in the
plane and I am really happy running software like Air Nav Pro and the great
EasyCockpit/EasyPlan/EasyWeather (Southern Africa only I think) suite of

Rudi Venter

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