I got a personal post from someone on the net that I will answer
on the net for others to see.

The question:
 Does towing the
aircraft tail first damage your HS/V tail?  Do you do something to protect

The answer is the H/V stabs should be o.k but yes you could damage 
the elevator or rudder and yes I do something to protect them. 
I use a 1"x 2" x ?" pieces of wood.  Dowels should work equally well.
I pad them and place one on top and bottom, each side, over the
HS/elevator and one each side on the VS/rudder.  I strap the ends
together with bungees, rope, etc. so they act as control locks.
I've towed my KR tail first at speeds of 60 mph with no problems.
Your results may vary.........

Larry Flesner

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