Excellent, Excellent,Excellent. it is true.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aggie lewanda" <agat...@yahoo.com>
To: "KR builders and pilots" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 1:21 PM
Subject: RE: KR>Metric system [ NON_KR SUBJECT]

> --- Fraser McGregor <fa.mcgre...@qut.edu.au> wrote:
> > What? Thinking in a different base system?  If God had meant us to think
> > 12's, we would have 12 digits.   The only numbers in the imperial system
> > that stimulates a better understanding of math are 36-26-36  :-)  Now
> > to planes------
> >
> Fraser,
> For the last century the United States of America has been the
> absolute leader of the free world. The Kaiser, Hitler, Saddam
> Hussein and the Soviets are long gone and the world is a better
> place for it.
> Our business, industry and capital markets are the backbone of the
> world. "Sound as a dollar" has passed into the lexicon of the
> entire world.
> EVERYONE else either wants to come here, or to be like us.
> President Ronald Reagan said once "It is time for us to stop
> worrying what the rest of the world thinks about us and let the
> rest of the world worry about what we think of them."
> Americans, and our borrowed English measuring system have
> given the rest of the world it's standard of living. Without
> Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, Tom Edison, Donald Trump, Bill
> Gates and MILLIONS like them, the rest of the world would
> be savages freezing in the dark! Even foreigners like Tesla,
> Einstein and Oppenheimer had to come to America and live under our
> system for their genius to flourish.
> Now, sorry if I offend anyone but it seems just plain NUTS to
> me that after all of the above, and much more, we are supposed to
> kiss the asses of our intellectual, mental, moral and military
> inferiors and adopt THEIR way of doing anything!
> At age 52 I have no plans to change. Many years ago in college
> my sociology professor taught us about societies being "ethnocentristic".
> The difference between myself and the cute little socialist sociology
> professor was that she saw an "ethnocenric" society as a terrible
> thing; while I on the other hand (once I learned what the word meant)
> was damn proud of it!
> Warmest Personal Regards,
> Dean Allen
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