Use M90.

I used Mahogany but it did cost a lot.  My last two KRs had a lighter
colored wood that I assumed was birch but I was not sure.  It wasn't until I
received the mahogany and saw how dark the color was that I realized that
the other ones were not mahogany.

The Finnish birch is prety cheap.  I don't know if it is acceptable or not

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2004 8:09 AM
Subject: KR> spar skins

Can someone tell me what is the correct skin to use for the spars. I need to
place my order this week.
The plans call for 3/32 mahog. with birch or popular core. I noticed Mark
used birch plywood. According to Wicks prices it would be cheaper and I am
about cheaper.
Finally (I think this was covered some time ago but,) Do I use M90 or M45
ply for the spar skins?

Steven Phillabaum
Auburn, Alabama

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