There are three things to consider when preparing a picture for viewing on 
the Web.  Resolution, size and file format.  In general, the optimal size 
is determined by your particular needs, and there is no way I can comment 
on this.

As far as resolution is concerned, you can get away with amazingly low 
res.  For example, even 72dpi is quite acceptable for viewing 
online.  Increase this at your peril, for you will find the file size will 
spiral out of all proportion.  So forget the ridiculous resolutions created 
by digital cameras and scanners, and reduce the resolution way, way 
down.  Remember, VDU's are relatively low-res devices, so if you are 
preparing graphics for screen viewing, anything over 72dpi is largely wasted.

The type of file you choose to save your picture as has a huge impact on 
the size of the file.  The same picture in GIF format can be more than 
three times larger than the JPG version.  The same 800x639 graphic can vary 
hugely in size, as follows:
JPG:  106kb
GIF:  332kb
BMP:  1498kb
It would make sense, therefore, so save your pictures in the JPG (or JPEG) 
format.  All photo editors will do this. I use PaintShop Pro (free 
download), and it works a charm.

Something else you might want to try:  search the Web for graphic file 
optimisers.  Find one you like the sound of, and run your pictures through 
that.  It will do all the hard work of optimising your pictures for the Web 
or screen viewing, and you will get the smallest possible file 
size.  Infranview is one, but there are others.

One final thought...  If you are not already doing so, zip the photo before 
sending it.  Winzip, or WinRar (or any number of other free file 
compression utilities) are freely available on the Web for download.

Hope some of this helps,

>My question is, what resolution is adequate for net pictures?  What is an 
>adequate size?
>I've tried some lower resolutions with my HP scanner, but I still get 
>files that are several megabytes.  I would like to send some adequate brag 
>pictures without spending 20 minutes sending them over my dial-up modem 
>(one of the pleasures of living in the great American desert called rural 
>Jim Vance

>My question is, what resolution is adequate for net pictures?  What is an 
>adequate size?

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