    If You wish I can loan You a MityVac kit. It is the model with the brake
bleeder and will do pres. or vac. I have not used this one, it came with the
last used Mercedes I got. But I have used the same model in the past when I
had A.C. brake problems.
    I think I have Your address. Let me know.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Timothy Bellville" <soner...@worldnet.att.net>
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 5:20 AM
Subject: KR> KR Brakes

> Ok Guys I was doing some Taxi tests yesterday with my KR2 and found two
> problems, first one is the engine idel, I couldn't get it to sit still on
> the runway at the lowest throttle setting so I need to look at that again.
> And the other problem is the one I need the most help on.,My brakes.
> Apparently I still have air in the lines that I can't seem to get out. Can
> anyone give me some advice on how to bleed piper master cyclinders with a
> remote resivore.
> Thanks
> Tim KR2  N7038V
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