At 06:23 PM 9/2/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>Hey Larry,
>How bad was the damage to your Q-2 yesterday?  I heard you ended up on the
>nose. Didi you get hurt at all?

Just my pride and the plane. With a little luck, it will cost less than 
$100 + a new prop, but one landing dear was laying on its side attached 
only by the UNI glass at the top of the canard. I am probably going to pull 
the engine and go up to Revmaster, though one has never failed under the 
conditions of the crash.

It was my fault. Hi speed taxiing led me to believe that my header tank 
would feed properly, so I did not put in a forward facing vent. Tank vacuum 
caused a power loss right at take-off. To make matters worse, I worried too 
much about the end of the runway and allowed the plane to go into the 
weeds. Even a ground loop on the runway would have caused less damage.

Larry Severson
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 968-9852 

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