Regretfully I will have to sell my KR project.  I won't be able to work on
or fly it until next year due mainly to health problems.   It was a flying
aircraft and is very close to flying again.  I'll bring photos of it to the
"Gathering" in case anyone is interested.  A Piper Colt I bought  in  May
'03 has just finished an 8 month annual.  This was to be my flying plane
while I worked on the KR  It turned out to be a project.

It was a Chiuauhau.  I can't remember the folks names but I saw them at the
Airventure Areomart tent this year.   The couple had KR t-shirts on.  The
woman was freindly and we talked about KR's.
My wife said that was the couple who brought there dog to the KR  banquet in
'02 and then he danced with it during the music.  It was quite a sight.  I
agree though, the dog shouldn't be allowed near where food is being served.

Mark J what's this I hear there putting in a another runway at Hartford now
that you moved in.

West Bend, WI

> If the dog was not for the physically sighted impaired, they should have
> been asked to remove the dog from the banquet room. Some folks just have
> respect for others.
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)

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