At 12:33 PM 9/29/2004, you wrote:
>I've just decided I don't trust the Marcy analysis.  When he did it, he
>assumed the section of the wing inside the fuselage was producing lift just
>like the stub wings do.  That means that the lift produced by the outer
>wings is undercalculated and therefore the bending moment numbers he
>calculated are too low.

This is a standard assumption in the wing structure analysis, but you 
didn't understand what he meant.  The fuselage generates lift.  You simply 
calculate the wing area that would exist if the fuselage were not there and 
that is the assumed total lift of the wing/fuselage combination.  The 
bending moment on the wing is outboard of the fuselage.  The total lift is 
applied to the wing outboard of the fuselage and will make the calculation 
slightly conservative.

Making the fuselage wider, provided the wing panel length outboard of the 
fuselage, will not make the wing any weaker.  It will be unaffected.  It is 
the length outboard of the fuselage.

Don Reid  -  donreid "at"
Bumpass, Va

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