>The last I heard, Les Palmer did not have internet nor even a computer.  I 
>guess he became disenchanted with his computer so he canceled his internet 
>service.  Also I think his aircraft although very well built is not an S, 
>it's just a standard KR-2 with a try-gear.

Actually,  Les Palmer's KR is stretched 24" just like mine and his
wings were slightly longer, similar to the pre-molded skins, I
think.  His gear legs where made from Grumman Yankee legs
cut down a bit with 6:00X6 mains.  It is standard KR2 width but
set up as a single place.  It was on the heavy side, 835 empty as
I recall and that was before the engine upgrade.  It sounded awesome
with the smaller Sube engine but the performance ( takeoff and
climb ) was less than spactular, hence the bigger engine.  I recall
Les trailering it to Columbia, Tennessee one year and had it flown 
to Perry, Oklahoma once or twice by a pilot named Smith.  Les
was building reduction drives for a while as well as props. 

Sorry to hear about his health problems.  If someone on the net
has a chance to talk to Les, pass along our concern and 
best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Larry Flesner

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