Hi Guys
After reading the posts regarding aileron spars and the like, I thought it
appropriate to let you know of another way to do it without using wood at
all. As some of you know, I am involved with building Whisper motor gliders
and as the designer is a friend of mine I was lucky enough to see how he
built his. The wing of the Whisper is built much like the KR except that it
has only one really strong glass spar. Where the ailerons were cut out all
he did was 1) before glassing the wings he marked the aileron cutouts on the
foam with a fine marker. 2) Placed a strip of peelply about 1.75" wide
centred on these cutlines. 3) after wingskins have cured the ailerons were
cut out on these cutlines leaviing half the peelply on the wing and the
other half on the aileron. 4) The peelply was then ripped out takink with it
most of the foam between the skins to the depth of the peelply. 5) After
sanding the foam smooth the "C" section was then glassed with BID at 45deg.
6) The upper skin which was to receive the extruded piano hinge was
thickened by adding extra layers to the top skin inside the "C" section
untill the hinge no longer protruded above the wing contour. After curing
the hinge was fastened with countersunk AN rivets (I think). The aileron was
given the same treatment.  To remove the aileron, the pins were made
Since the ailerons on the Whisper are only slightly longer than the KR's and
the prototype Whisper has by now clocked up around 200 hours I see no reason
why this method can not be adopted on the KR, mine will be done in this way.
Comments?? I do have a picture here somewhere if anybody is interested.
Dene Collett
KR2S builder
South Africa
mailto: dene.coll...@telkomsa.net

----- Original Message -----
From: Lee Van Dyke <l...@vandyke5.com>
To: KRnet <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Friday, July 15, 2005 7:18 AM
Subject: KR> ailerons

> Netters
> Per the plans, there is no glass wrapped around the rear portion of the
wing sealing the wood for the aileron.  Am I correct???.  Has anybody had a
problem with that wood coming loose fron the foam??
> If you were me and wanted to secure the wood a little better, what would
be the easiest and best way to get it done???
> Lee Van Dyke
> Mesa AZ
> l...@vandyke5.com
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