As a follow-up to my earlier post, I'd like to add the following to
let everyone know I don't really have a personal bias as to 
where the Gathering takes place.

Financially for me it really doesn't matter where the Gathering
takes place.  My cost are for a motel room at Mt.Vernon so
I can stay on location and not make the 100 mile round trip 
home each day.  I have several trips to Mt.Vernon for set-up
and teardown as well as meeting with those involved for planning.
I purchase my shirt and hat and pay for my banquet tickets.
Additionally, I have to make arrangements to get both my KR
and truck to Mt.Vernon. Even though it is a short flight from my
home airport, I have to get someone to run me back and forth.
Then there are the expenses of my time for all the shirt and 
hat orders, time purchasing supplies, computer time on setting
up forms, banquet tickets, phone calls, etc. Last year I was
reimbursed $100 to cover some of my unlisted expenses but 
they were probably much less this year and I'm not expecting
any pay on them.

This is not to say that I suspect anyone is questioning my
motives.  I'm just wanting to see the Gathering continue to
grow each year and be a learning and fun experience for everyone.

Enough said I think on my part.

Larry Flesner

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