Jerry Mahurin wrote:

> Just got the email from Dan about yer visit.............

Yep, right now I'm planning on coming up on Saturday, but if the weather
guessers are correct, Friday might be better.  I'll have to wait until we
get a little closer to decide.  Anybody else that wants to drive in or fly
in to KCUB in Columbia, SC is welcome to it.  Dan says he knows where
there's some good BBQ for lunch.  Other KR pilots in need of an excuse to
fly somewhere are cordially invited.  I reserve the right to pick the day
though, and I'll do that on Thursday.

The goal will be to give the plane a good looking over and see if we can
find anything wrong with it before first flight...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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