I am told the rod end bearings have a habit of cracking and failing, and 
have a habit of working loose, any truth to these statements?  I would have 
thought that if enough were used on the control surface, say 6 or 7 for the 
elevator and four say for the rudder, then failure would not be an option, and 
what I am told is an old wives tail.
    I also want some clarification on hinge bolt holes, the hinge half on the 
fixed portion of the surface, ie tailplane, has bolt holes diagonally opposing, 
while on the hinge half fixed to the movable surface, ie elevator, the plans 
show two bolts separated vertically only, am I correct in what I say, I would 
like to make doubly sure I am right because it takes ages to get another piece 
of wood if I drill in the wrong place! Fortunately, I have not had to buy any " 
other pieces of wood " yet!!
    Still deciding, but tend to think the rod end bearing is just far superior 
to anything else, but keep getting told these bad reports on them.

                                            Chris Johnston

                                            Richmond NSW

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