At 07:01 PM 4/11/2006, you wrote:
>I have been looking in the plans and nowhere have I seen the aileron
>push-pull rod called out-
>Does anyone buy their epoxy from any one but  RR?
>Don Lively

I used a piece of 1/4" rod and threaded the ends for rod end bearings.
I may have used a long 1/4" bolt, already threaded on one end, cut
off the head and threaded that end.  Or, maybe I used a set of 1/4"
push rods off a C-150 and cut them down. It's been too long ago
for me to recall.  Anyway, keep it simple.

Use any epoxy you wish.  I've used two or three over the life of the
project starting with Safety Poxy II.  I like the West System from
Wick's with the cheap little pumps. It's probably available for
several other suppliers also, I've never checked.

Larry Flesner

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