-----Original Message-----
I tend to LEARN from these discussions. I'd like to thank the posters
for including the group in them. 


END >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


You can LEARN all you want by reading the previous e-mail.  It is just
plain lazy and inconsiderate to leave all that junk on each consecutive
email, not to mention it screws up the search archives when someone
really does need to find something.  One has too wade through a ton of
this crap to find their answer. When the answer becomes too difficult to
find, then the question pops back up on the net for all to see AGAIN.

I don't think POSTING a question here was Bob's point, I think it was
more of have a little consideration for others by editing your post
before sending it.  It really is not that difficult.  Some people do not
have the bandwidth to download all these redundant posts. Have I been
guilty of this in the past?  You bet.  Now I make sure I take the extra
5 SECONDS it takes to delete the previous dissertations with maybe the
exception of the key points I would like to respond to.

No additional posts or response on this matter needed. Just pay
attention to what you (read all) are doing.  Like Mark L. has said
numerous time, (hundreds of times I'm sure), before you hit the send
key, evaluate whether 600 other people need to see or care about what
you are sending.  If it a trivial response like "me too" or some other
great response, SEND IT DIRECT!  Don't waste the space on the net.  Do I
have a delete key? Yeah.  Do I know how to use it? Maybe. Should I have
to wade through a bunch of junk to find any useful info or just a "me
too" response in a 2 page e-mail?  Absolutely NOT.

I think it was Dana who said, "let's just play nice in the sandbox and
get back to building KR's".

Steve Glover
Long-EZ N2121U
(Former KR-2 N902G)
Building Super Modified KR-1

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