It says that cruise temp is supposed to be between 190 and 200 degrees.
I found out about an oil pressure booster for this engine.  Has anyone ever
used such a thing?  It costs all of $8 and is easy to install.
Not heard of the Oil booster?? How does it work ???

I was talking engine Oil temp to my Engineer the other day and he wants me 
to shroud the sump on my type 4 to try and NOT have to use a oil cooler. He 
says the oil HAS to stay under 100c. (212f) as the oil brake down.

He fitted a Jabiru conversion to a motor glider six years ago and it does 
not have an oil cooler. Yet Jabiru says it must. He even flew it up to 
Jabiru to prove it could be done.
How did he do it??

He place a very light and thin shroud over the fins on the Jabiru sump, and 
vented some air from the inlets to cool the sump.

VW's when in closed in a vehicle, also do this and is very effective ( + oil 
cooler) So I'm looking into making such a thing now and will know how well 
it will works during engine testing?????? If not effective, then fit my oil 

just my 2 cents worth.

Phil Matheson
Web Page
See  VW Engines

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