
I have been surfing the web for info on yokes -vs- sticks.  I've only trained 
in a 172, so yoke only for me, so far.  NOW, the stick looks unwieldy to me...  
probably because I have never flown one.

Several places on the net, most of the ones I found anyway, contain comments 
that sticks are better for small aircraft.  After looking at several sites 
detailing how the KR2 fits together, I would have to say, it may be difficult 
to fit a yoke in there.  SO...

Is there anyone here with a yoke in a KR2?  Is it worth the additional hassles, 
skinned knuckles and swear words to have a yoke?

I saw a pic of a KR2 with a yoke (forgot where) and...  well, it just didn't 
look natural.

Comments anyone?


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