Hi Guy's; I made a discovery today that many of you may already be aware of. I'm planning on using the AS-5046 airfoil on my new wings (I'm replacing the RAF- 48 airfoil) and I noticed that with an incidence of +1.75 degrees on the root wing airfoil and a washout of 3 degrees on the outer wing panel as per plans that this will cause the wing tips to be in a negitive lift condition (actually pulling down on the wing at high speed), so I'm reducing the washout to 2 degrees which will be about neutral only at high speed and might reduce drag. Just some more food for thought.
Posted - Monday, 02/05/07 8:23 pm Regards Myron (Dan) Freeman Indpls, Ind. 46203 USA mfreem...@indy.rr.com