BOY AM I GLAD THAT THIS IS JUST AN OPINION. Because it surly not a fact,
N357CJ had a true airspeed of 183,6 mph @ 450 MSL the other night at 6
gph- I have never taken offence to the nose vs. tail wheel before but
your tone is absolutely arrogant
Joe Horton
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

On Mon, 3 Nov 2008 21:28:24 -0800 writes:
> Derek Wrote, 
> "Im thinking I want to a trigear on my kr Im not really in love with 
> the
> taildragger.  Let me know if you think that would be a ok idea"
> I think it's a terrible idea!  Not only will you ruin the looks of 
> the
> airplane (Look what a nosegear did to the Pacer!  Turned a graceful
> design into the butt of many jokes!) but I see that Dan says it will 
> go 5
> MPH slower.  5 MPH slower at what speed?  Since drag increases in 
> inverse
> proportion to speed, that means the higher your airspeed, the slower 
> you
> will go!  
> Why give up performance and looks just for some temporary ease of 
> ground
> handling?  You'll soon get used to the conventional gear and it will 
> seem
> just as natural to you as the tri-gear does to the tricycle guys. 
> Pushing a draggy old strut around everywhere you go just doesn't 
> seem
> natural.
> Mike
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