Since the subject has come up the following may be helpful.

The American Welding Society (AWS) has local chapters all over the country
(Similar structure to EAA Chapters).  They work to promote welding from the
welding operator to the design metallurgist.  Check out for local

A big push is to work with high schools in the Vo-Tech area.  If you are
lucky you may be able to contact the local chapter and find a Vo-Tech school
that may have a might class where you can work on your tanks as your
"project" under supervision of an instructor or an instructor who would be
willing to take your welding project as a class learning exercise.  I could
see how a tank or engine mount could be a great learning exercise .   Just
don't expect it to be quick

.        Material selection (How's & Why's)

.        Design

.        Fabrication

.        Testing (Non Destructive & Destructive opps they might need to make

I believe Mark L.  discusses taking a vo-tech class to learn how to paint
his car on his web site.

One more thought, some welding supply houses host "How to's (I know that
ABCO here in the north east does) about 2-4 times a year.  The objective is
to sell you something BUT if you check it out they usually have experts from
the various welding equipment and material suppliers on hand who ARE experts
and want to show & teach you how to do what ever so you will buy their
stuff.  Some times they have free samples (hats, gloves and some time
welding rod).  These are great chances to see and make hands on comparisons
and usually there are free hot  dogs.  My advise here is to find one of
these demos early and ask questions of the local store staff.  If they know
some one has questions about welding 4130 or 5000 series Al then the
"Factory Rep" WILL be prepared to answer those questions and will likely
have some type of specific freebee targeted to the person with the question.

Just some thoughts. 

Gary Shubert - Connecticut

KR2 - Single Place

Too cold to work in the barn.  Instrument panel in the dinning room AFTER

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