What is going on, my enternet has been down for a day and I come on and her 
things going on, is someone trying to down load plans without  buying them or 
something. If so I agree with you I have had my plans sence 1974 and really 
need to update them. someone wants something for nothing I don't agree. Ken 
Rand was a great man have enough respect to buy the plans the right way.

From: Phillip Matheson <phillipmathe...@bigpond.com>
To: KRnet <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 3:02:36 AM
Subject: Re: KR> KR-1 Plans Available

Mike, I can only wish 2 things happen to you for this action:
I also have used Rand/Roberson a number of times and have not had any 
problem by just sending the money and wait.

I think you have done the wrong thing also.

Phil Matheson
SAAA Ch. 20  http://www.saaa20.org/

EMAIL:  phillipmathe...@bigpond.com
KR Web Page: www.philskr2.50megs.com

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