Joe Morton wrote:

>This is incredible stuff, Real information.

He was referring to a message that I sent direct to him and Oscar, rather 
than to the net, regarding some testing that I did on Sunday afternoon.  I 
forgive him for the error....I'm sure he was still suffering from the 
effects of hypoxia from flying so high.  He's lucky to have survived it, I'm 
tellin' ya.

In the interest of testing, pure science, the pursuit of happiness and the 
ultimate truth, Oscar Zuniga suggested pressure testing my plenums vs Joe's 
more conventional baffle setup, especially since we already had some pretty 
good comparison info from earlier.  What else would you expect from one of 
Southwest Research Institutes's engineers?  So he mailed me his Dwyer 
differential pressure gauge with 0"-10" of water range, and I flew it Sunday 
with one end in the plenum and the other under the cylinders, in an effort 
to determine that pressure difference between top and bottom sides of the 
engine.  I got a lot of good info, but the other side of the coin is that 
we'll do the same with Joe's engine at Corvair College #16 so we can compare 
apples to apples an get an idea if plenums are an advantage over traditional 
baffles, or it's a wash.  Corvair College will be held November 6-8 at Ed 
Fisher's hangar at White Plains Airport in Gilbert, South Carolina ( ).  See for more info, but space is limited. 
Bring a good attitude and a desire to learn about Corvair engines if you 
show up (and bring me a couple of dark ales, please).

Oh, and I can tell you why Emory handled Joe's plane so nicely...he flew 
mine last month at the KR Gathering!   Although I must say he handled it 
perfectly from the beginning, so he was just double dipping flying Joe's. 
Some people just plain deserve a KR ride, and Emory clearly demonstrated it 
with his focus on building the perfect KR.  He was the only guy I saw at the 
Gathering conducting interviews with builders, and taking notes on a 
clipboard.  I predict a very nice KR coming from Emory...

Mark Langford
N56ML "at"
website at

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