I noticed on the Desser site there was an 11/400-5 8 PLY AERO CLASSIC (NEW  
VERSION) listed for a unit price of 39.75.  If that's a pair it  doesn't 
sound too bad.

That link to  Desser worked last night when I tested it.  It appears they
are in the  middle of re-doing or updating their website.  Anyway, the
link was to  this tire:

410/350-5 4 PLY CHENG SHIN TIRE  Unit Price   17.95 

There is no part number that I can find, but if you  search for Cheng Shin
under the category "All Products", it will come  up.  

Like I said, they are scary cheap, but they've been just  fine for wear
and stress.  I'm going to order some more  soon.

Todd  Thelin
"The older I get...The faster I was!"


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