Larry Howell wrote:

> You can sandwich the copper tape between a couple of layers of fiberglass 
> cloth, let them set up and then glue the rig in wherever you feel like.

Yep, I made one of those by duct taping a piece of wood and laying out some 
2" fiberglass tape on it, bent around the corners to form a little 
fiberglass angle, then after it cured I added the tape, then another layer 
of fiberglass tape.  That was pretty light too, but then I discovered the 
arrow shaft and how small and stiff it made the whole thing, I went that way 
instead.  For those who don't realize it yet, the best way (in my humble 
opinion) to do an antenna is to bury a copper tape on the vertical 
stabilizer spar starting at the very top and coming down to whatever the 
magic number is...roughly 20.3", then the connection to the coax, then run 
the other leg down until it hits the fuselage floor.  Mine is angled back to 
the rear to fit it in, and although it's surrounded by control cables and 
shoulder belt cables, I couldn't ask for better reception.  I forgot to 
stick mine to the spar before I foamed and glassed the vertical, so I had to 
stick it on the front of the vertical stabilizer and add another of glass to 
keep it there.  Just another in a long line of screwups!  See for a few pictures.

Mark Langford

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