Hi all, just letting you know of a problem I came across for the first time.

 One thing always leads to another.

The wheel pant on my Left main came loose, so I removed it to check the 
bolts and screws.

I found the wheel bearing adjustment loose, and some grease on the rim, so I 
removed it all for a clean and check.

I found some brake fluid on the calliper, so I also removed the calliper and 
overhauled it as well.

When assembling the main wheel, I found I ran out of adjustment on the axel 
nut and still had movement in the wheel bearing.

 So I removed again for a closer look.

I found the inner bearing seemed to have been turning on the axel. The shaft 
was not damaged, but the collar where the inner bearing rests on the axel 
was damaged, from the turning bearing.

 This is a very early model Dan Diehl main wheels and legs. Matco brakes and 
I think axels

 I have the Cleveland mains on my other KR2S, I remembered it uses spacers 
either side of the wheel bearings, so a went home and

Removed the wheel and borrowed the spacers.

These fitted my axel, but miles to thick.

In the end, I made a drop in spacer about 2 to 3 mm (1/8 "); I removed the 
inner wheel bearing cup, dropped in the spacer and tapped the bearing cup 
back into the rim.

Perfect. The problem fixed. This allowed me heaps of wheel bearing 
adjustment, I now run much more preload on the wheel bearings,  thus placing 
extra force on the inner bearing stopping it from turning.

 I will be checking my R side very soon. ( I made two spacers while on the 
lath, just in case it was needed)

 The fun we have.

 Your findings may differ.

Phil Matheson
SAAA Ch. 20  http://www.saaa20.org/

EMAIL:   phillipmathe...@bigpond.com
KR Web Page: www.philskr2.50megs.com

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