Well said Mark,
I fly a nose dragger, as I do not have a tail wheel endorsement as yet.
But I have been in some bad ( strong) X wind landing in the KR, as my home 
strip has only one runway.
The nose wheel set up handles them very well.

Phil Matheson
SAAA Ch 20
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Langford" <n5...@hiwaay.net>
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2010 2:01 AM
Subject: Re: KR> tri gear and taildragger


Just because there has to be one in every crowd, almost all of my landings
are 3 point.  That's mainly because of my short strip, and I can't afford to
touch down 10 mph faster and burn up all that runway, even with my split
flaps.  No, the KR can't do a full stall landing, but it really doesn't have
to.  When you slow it down, it drops.  You just have to time it so it isn't
dropping really fast when you arrive at the touchdown point.   Whether the
nose is way up in the air or not is immaterial, and the speed difference
between "almost stalled" and "full stall" is not large.  I like to three
point mine because when you hit the ground, you're done flying.  No more
excursions back into the air with reduced control effectiveness...all you
have to do is steer, which is easy.  Maybe I'm just thick, but I've not seen
any of the scary stuff that I keep hearing about tailwheel airplanes.  Troy
Petteway once told me that the KR is the best behaved tailwheel plane on the
planet, and although I've only flown a few others, I suspect he's right
about that.

The main reason I built a tailwheel version is because I fly to my father's
grass strip often, and I wanted that extra 10-12 mph speed, the improved
efficiency that goes with that, the special (and often restrictive) engine
mount, and the $400 savings  (and maintenance hassles) over the nose wheel.
I can't argue that the tri-gear isn't easier to land (purely from the
physics of a self-stabilizing design), improved taxi visibility, and I think
they even look a more substantial airplane (which might help to get your
wife in there).  I'm not going to give anybody a hard time about deciding to
go with tri-gear.  It's like most things in life, a trade-off situation
where intelligent decisions are deliberated based on one's personal
preferences and situation.  Having said that, when I build another one it'll
definitely be a taildragger...

Mark Langford
N56ML "at" hiwaay.net
website at http://www.N56ML.com

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