to those who commented on my first flight, very helpful.  The first wt and 
balance after
completing the plane was done by and AI with myself on board and no fuel came 
out to 11.16 inches
past the wing LE. My wt that day before the holidays was 177 lbs.  When we
checked the cg after the first flight several days ago, I had gained to 190.
 With the 6 gal of fuel in the header tank and a tailwheel that is 2 lb
heavier than the first one, the cg came out at 12.04 aft of the leading edge.
 These numbers are close enough that I don't feel there is a significant
error.  I have done many stalls over the years and none of them felt like
this.  My engine mount is 28" long from the firewall to the engine so
already have a long nose.  

I am
planning on adding 20 lbs of lead right behind the engine and putting on the
lighter tailwheel.  I calculate
that will put the cg at 10.68? aft of the wing leading edge with the same fuel
& pilot wt.  We will do a new
wt and balance very carefully to verify before flying again.   

any further insights.


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