"Thanks to those who commented on my first flight.  .  ."

My two cents on this is that I've never been a fan of "high speed taxi
tests" or anything else that can cause trouble on or near the ground. 
The ground is not our friend. 

Once you've confirmed control integrity and your CG is somewhere within
reason,  I would give that plane full throttle on a long runway (in case
you need to abort for some reason)  and get up in the air where you can
take your time and find out exactly what is going on.  Messing around
near the ground is just asking for trouble.  You sound like an
experienced pilot who would know partial stalls when you have one but a
KR (in comparison to planes familiar to you)  is so light and sensitive
you may not have recognized the ocillations as partial stalls.  Since it
is so lightly loaded and the airfoil so forgiving, what you experienced
may have been just what someone suggested earlier.  

My advice is to get up in the air and far away from the ground.  Get
yourself a good margin and go fly and you'll probably find out there's
nothing wrong at all with your airplane.             


57 Year Old Looks 27
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