I recall seeing somewhere (or concluding from something I read) that
the 'ideal' horiz stab incidence is the wing incidence minus 1.75
degrees.  So if your wing is at 3.5 degrees that would mean 1.75
degrees for the horiz stab.  Can't remember where I saw that and I
think it was in relation to the new wing.  I may have reached the
wrong conclusion but have a careful read of Mark L's site about the
new wing.  That's most likely where I saw it.



On 22 April 2012 04:46, Steven Bedford <s1bedf...@msn.com> wrote:
> I checked the archives but found nothing on this.  I have a Kr2s with wings 
> set at 3.5 degrees of incidence per the plans with the raf48 airfoil.  I have 
> rebuilt the horizontal stabilizer with Mark L.'s airfoil shapes.  I was 
> wondering if anyone had any input on the horizontal incidence angle.  Should 
> I set it at 0 degrees?  Thanks for the info.
> Steven Bedford
> Kr2s Builder
> s1bedf...@msn.com
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