Hello KR Net,

It's a sad day when you come to realize that you will not make it to the 2012 
KR Gathering.  I have been extremely busy since the last Gathering.  Work has 
been keeping me busy, we completed 2 Lancair Evolutions and they have been 
delivered.  I helped a elderly friend of mine make a new cowl for his plane. 
(corby)  Mid July we got our third Evolution and it has to be done by the end 
of the year.  As of right now it is on schedule.  

The story of my plane (snakebite) is a little different.  I had a lot of work 
to do on it.  I made stub wing skin molds, layed up parts, and tried to see if 
anybody else wanted any.  Not to bash anybody, but I can now see what Steve 
Glover has to deal with, on selling KR parts.  Let me just say that there are 
lot of people who kick tires.  Enough of that.  I got my new prop the other 
day, I'm fixing the lower cowl and should be done with that next week.  The 
wing skins will also go on this week.  I pulled out the landing gear, and 
pretty much started over.  I have the spring bar straightened, it always had a 
bend in it.  I made a new handle for pulling the shear pins.  I made new blocks 
for the shear pins, and replaced a lot of bolts that were the wrong length.  I 
mean a lot.  The goal was to get the plane ready for the gathering, but there 
was just too much to do.  I have to repair the exhaust, and repaint the plane.  
The outboard wings were fixed and sanded a few months ago.  

I have also been cleaning up the KitFox that my Uncle built.  It has 8.5 hours 
on it and has been sitting for 10 years.  It is in great shape and I have it 
sold.  The wing need to go on and small ticky tacky stuff need to be completed. 
 I also have an Ultra Pup that I have been working on.  A lot of fabric repairs 
needed to be done, and the wings are back on.  The engine is being rebuilt and 
the wiring will have to be put back in the plane.

I also worked on a gyro copter, replacing all of the windows in it, but that is 
another story.  

So if somebody could update the registration page and remove my name and the 
one Bob put on there.  Larry I will still take a Hat and shirt.  

I will be at copperstate with snakebite, and will plan for new year.

Have fun everybody

Lee Van Dyke

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