Glad your plane made it through with no damage.  Hurricaines and airplanes 
aren't very compatible.  The hangar did what it's supposed to, protect the 

I had to reskin the doors on both of my hangars 2 weeks ago following a freak 
October hail storm.  Was glad to do it as my planes sitting behind those doors 
suffered no damage.

-Jeff Scott
Los Alamos, NM

> ----- Original Message -----
> From:
> Sent: 11/01/12 01:26 PM
> To:
> Subject: KR> little damage at UKT
> Hey guys,Just a little note about this week in history. Here in Quakertown 
> Pa. we didn't get near the forcast rains but the wind from Sandy was about as 
> much as we have ever seen here. I share a hanger with a mooney and a cessna 
> 150. The hamger doors were ripped loose and flopping all over whie buckleing 
> and bending. I had no damage to 357CJ but both guys on either side of me took 
> a hit or two to the spinners and maybe worse. Not really known yet. We 
> secured the doors in place as best as we can until repairs can be started. 
> But the planes can not get out until the doors are removed for repairs. I was 
> planning to get to CC next week but who knows now. I hope everyone else in 
> the path faired as well as I did.Joe Horton

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