I guess I am not the only one that noticed how low this guy came in over the 
threshold. In watching the video it looked like he was going to come up short 
of the runway. I am not sure if maybe the runway was very short and it was his 
way of doing a short field landing but, it appeared to me that considering how 
close the vehicle was to the runway approach, that normally an aircraft would 
have never struck that vehicle. 
I have twice came in on final and had deer come out on the runway. Each time I 
had a steep enough approach and a bit of luck and was able to apply power and 
avoid a collision and go around. I even once struck a Goose on short final at 
night and it was only because of luck and a decision to just hold my approach 
and not panic that allowed me to land safely. It scared me enough that I am 
lucky I didnt at the very least soil myself or panic as the goose struck the 
wing root just at the top of the windshield of my Cessna 172. Imagine my efar 
as I suddenly see a large goose come into view of my wing mounted landing light 
and I have not yet made the runway. Each of those occasion's occurred when I 
was flying my Cessna Shyhawk just like the one in that video. 
Be aware, situational awareness and a bit of luck. Safe flying out there people 
and maybe we can all learn something from this. 
Jeff York
Georgetown Scott County Airport
2010 National Gathering Peoples Choice, Best Interior
2011 AirFest                    Best Experimental, Best Instrument. Best 

 From: peter <jordanruths...@aol.com>
To: kr...@mylist.net 
Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: KR> Fw: Situational awareness

I am just amazed at how little damage the Cessna and pilot sustained! The 
shearing gear decelerated the aircraft so much that it moved only a few feet 
after touching down. If you ever need to land without any ground roll, look for 
a vehicle to trim your gear off before you touch down.Peter

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