If you look closely and look at the airport diagram, you will also notice
he was landing on a displaced threshold. The big yellow arrows pointing
toward the actual landing zone is a giveaway. The landing zone at that
airport is not even close to the road.  Check it out.
On Nov 7, 2012 9:30 AM, "Jeff York" <jeffyor...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I guess I am not the only one that noticed how low this guy came in over
> the threshold. In watching the video it looked like he was going to come
> up short of the runway. I am not sure if maybe the runway was very short
> and it was his way of doing a short field landing but, it appeared to me
> that considering how close the vehicle was to the runway approach, that
> normally an aircraft would have never struck that vehicle.
> I have twice came in on final and had deer come out on the runway. Each
> time I had a steep enough approach and a bit of luck and was able to apply
> power and avoid a collision and go around. I even once struck a Goose on
> short final at night and it was only because of luck and a decision to just
> hold my approach and not panic that allowed me to land safely. It scared me
> enough that I am lucky I didnt at the very least soil myself or panic as
> the goose struck the wing root just at the top of the windshield of my
> Cessna 172. Imagine my efar as I suddenly see a large goose come into view
> of my wing mounted landing light and I have not yet made the runway. Each
> of those occasion's occurred when I was flying my Cessna Shyhawk just like
> the one in that video.
> Be aware, situational awareness and a bit of luck. Safe flying out there
> people and maybe we can all learn something from this.
> Jeff York
> Georgetown Scott County Airport
> KR2
> 2010 National Gathering Peoples Choice, Best Interior
> 2011 AirFest                    Best Experimental, Best Instrument. Best
> Interior
> ________________________________
>  From: peter <jordanruths...@aol.com>
> To: kr...@mylist.net
> Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 9:31 AM
> Subject: Re: KR> Fw: Situational awareness
> I am just amazed at how little damage the Cessna and pilot sustained! The
> shearing gear decelerated the aircraft so much that it moved only a few
> feet after touching down. If you ever need to land without any ground roll,
> look for a vehicle to trim your gear off before you touch down.Peter
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