Hi all,
 I made my wintips with a 45 Degree instead the 90 degree tip. A bit like 
hoerner tip. I bit from both sides, i like a bit of a winglet and the hoerner 
tips together. With our speeds I think it is not that importand…but what do you 
like? Is a big winglte easy to store? So we made our own design. But keep it 
aligned with your fuselage…..I think. We get easaly 160 kts with 90% throttle, 
but is it the wingtip or the engine, I dont know. Make it like you want. 
See as a guideline how we made ourt tips.


  > Op 24-11-2022 01:08 schreef Flesner via KRnet <krnet@list.krnet.org>:
> Met-Co-Aire says that its Hoerner wingtips "will add to the performance of 
> your aircraft." They say the Hoerner tips will increase aircraft range by 1 
> to 2 percent, increase the rate of climb by 60 fpm, boost cruising speed by 3 
> to 5 mph, cut takeoff distance by 15 to 20 percent, reduce stall speed by 4 
> to 5 mph, and improve overall aircraft stability.
> Remember, this is a "marketing claim".
> Larry Flesner
> <https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.stack.imgur.com%2F18LtN.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=d3b24c998192d10ece0fe389ecb8d56fb5c2a68f866c77392b94d13af054d9c4&ipo=images>
> --
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> KRnet@list.krnet.org
> https://list.krnet.org/mailman/listinfo/krnet

Steph and his dad are building the KR-2S see 
http://www.masttotaalconcept.nl/kr2 <http://www.masttotaalconcept.nl/kr2>

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