On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 04:22:14AM -0500, Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belon wrote:
> Greetings,
> kvm's configure calls qemu's configure with --enable-alsa, making the
> existence and use of alsa a dependency; with the import of the latest CVS
> qemu, a similar implicit dependency has been added for gnutls (required for
> TLS support for qemu's vnc server).
> the following proposed patch (which is a combined patch from a 2 patch series)
> allows kvm's configure to enable alsa or disable vnc tls conditionally.
> I am curious if the approach taken for alsa (which is the one that fits what
> qemu's configure allows for this case) is acceptable or not, as it will change
> the dependency on alsa from being required by default to optional and unless 
> --enable-alsa is used.

So why don't you use  --disable-alsa in the patch instead. It seems like rather
a bad idea to suddenly switch the configure script defaults in the way you 
suggest for alsa. It really wouldn't be much harder to set enable_alsa=1
in the top of configure, and then have the flag toggle it to off.

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