On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 02:39:30PM +0100, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 16, 2007 at 04:22:14AM -0500, Carlo Marcelo Arenas Belon wrote:
> > I am curious if the approach taken for alsa (which is the one that fits what
> > qemu's configure allows for this case) is acceptable or not, as it will 
> > change
> > the dependency on alsa from being required by default to optional and 
> > unless 
> > --enable-alsa is used.
> So why don't you use  --disable-alsa in the patch instead.

because the only option available in qemu is to enable alsa with that flag;
there is no --disable-alsa in qemu's configure unless we add one (*).

> It seems like rather
> a bad idea to suddenly switch the configure script defaults in the way you 
> suggest for alsa. It really wouldn't be much harder to set enable_alsa=1
> in the top of configure, and then have the flag toggle it to off.

ok, but if that is added to kvm's configure then the logic will be inversed
when looking at qemu's configure, probably confusing users.

on the other hand, if --disable-alsa is added to qemu's configure so that it
can be used with the same logic in both sides then the objective of trying to
keep the qemu changes to a minimum will be violated.

hence why I though that changing the default (which seemed arbitrary at least)
was probably the lesser of all evils.


(*) qemu's configure is not coming from autotools but is a custom script that
performs a similar function that an autoconf'ed configure would do but not
with all the functionality you would usually expect for it.

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