Juan Pablo,

I think that the extension should be there anyway, independently of including it in the es_ES language pack. Send me the .dic and .aff files and I can do it.

I think that including it in the es_ES language pack is a good idea. It could be done also for other Spanish minority languages who have not translated the UI, but which have dictionaries.



On 11/14/11 4:31 AM, Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés wrote:
Hi Andras,
  Thanks for your answer!
I don't think it's a politically hot issue (or a political issue at all as Aragonese is a language with very low vitality), but you never know if someone is going to complain. Someone working in the es localization could advice about it more objectively. I guess other languages of Spain have all of them an UI localization, and therefore an_ES would be the only one "hosted" by Spanish language pack, am I right?. Making an extension also sounds well, and it can be a good idea until we have an an_ES localization. As we plan to continue to improve the dictionary, perhaps an extension is easier for the users to track and install the new versions? If so, this would be a point for making an extension. Independently of what way we take, Aragonese can't yet be selected in the last version I downloaded. Do we need to wait until the next release for users to be able to use the spellchecker?
Juan Pablo

El 13/11/2011 20:11, Andras Timar escribió:
Hi Juan Pablo,

You have two options. One is to include an_ES dictionary into
LibreOffice source. There is a dictionaries module in git, technically
it is possible to add any language to it that LibreOffice can handle.
These dictionaries will be part of releases. On Windows installer it
will be installed for all users by default, regardless of the UI
language. On Linux and Mac dictionaries are in language packs. Here we
will have a little problem with an_ES, because we don't have an_ES UI
localization, so there is no an_ES language pack. We can maybe put it
into Spanish language pack, but I'm not sure about the reactions of
Spanish users. If it's a politically hot issue, we may want to avoid
that - but I don't know anything about it, I leave that to you. The
other option is to make an extension, upload it to
extensions.libreoffice.org and let your users know about that
extension. I can help you in both tasks, either in integration or in
making an extension. Please let me know what you think.


2011/11/6 Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés<jpm...@unizar.es>:
We finished a new version 0.2 of the spellchecker for Aragonese (an_ES, whose locale was added in september). As Andras commented last time, the
dictionary is not sorted, but we have checked that it does not have any
effect either in behaviour or in time performance, so, we kept it as it is
(as it is more convenient for us for developement).
You can find an .rar file with the dictionary and affix file, and a README
file with information on licence and release notes at this link
   What should we do to have it available for LibreOffice users?
Juan Pablo

El 06/09/2011 9:38, Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés escribió:
Thanks for your comments. Yes, we tested it and it worked (of course with limitations, as it is a preliminary version with a short dictionary). We'll correct the list so that it's unique. It is not sorted because it was easier for us to work by separating parts of speech, but it seems that none of those issues is a problem for hunspell. Anyway, we plan to improve it to
a new version in the next weeks, fixing some errors and enlarging the
dictionary. As there is no hurry till a new LibO version appears with the an_ES locale, we can wait and send you the files of the new version when we
have it.
Juan Pablo

Hi Juan Pablo,

In an_ES.dic the word list is not sorted and not unique (e.g. the first
entry, abandonar/ACDE, is duplicated – that's why I noticed it).

Did you test this dictionary? Maybe it's not a problem, but still...

Best regards,

Juan Pablo Martínez Cortés, PhD
Profesor Titular de Universidad
Departamento de Ing. Electrónica y Comunicaciones
Grupo de Tecnologías de las Comunicaciones (GTC).
Inst. de Invest. en Ingeniería de Aragón (I3A).
Universidad de Zaragoza

María de Luna 1, Edificio Ada Byron, D. 2.05.
50018 Zaragoza (ARAGON, SPAIN).
Ph:  +34-976-762363 e-mail: jpm...@unizar.es
FAX: +34-976-762111 http://diec.unizar.es/~jpmart

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