On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Tom Davies <tomdavie...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> Khagaroth's explanation about "Purple pipe" helped a bit but i didn't 
> understand what "a gradient name" was until seeing the context by following 
> his path
> "You can find in Draw under Format -> Page -> Background."
> But it still doesn't really explain what a pipe is.  My guess is that purple 
> would be on one side of the page and some other colour on the other side and 
> they would somehow merge or fade into each other in the middle?

Thanks for bringing this up, Tom. For now, I’ve translated “Purple
pipe” literally (‘Tubería púrpura’ in Spanish), with the hope that
people will understand what the “pipe” is by seeing the gradient
preview first.


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