Hello Sophie, *,
On Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013 19:38 Sophie wrote:
> Le 11/10/2013 19:30, Thomas Hackert a écrit :
>> On Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013 09:17 Sophie wrote:
[two new Pootle guides]
>>> - one about Pootle:
>>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/PootleGuide
>> As you may have seen, I have proofread it and corrected a couple
>> of things ... ;)
> Yes, I often have problem with 'chose' and 'below' and a couple of
> others ;)


>> But still ... I am not that contented with it ... :(
> ok, thanks a lot for your feedback, I'll go through it tomorrow.


>> 1. I am not sure, if it is really "on Pootle" or "in Pootle"
>> (e.g. "Manage (depending on your permissions on Pootle, you may
>> not see this area)" ... :( My gut feeling says, it should be "in
>> Pootle", but I may be wrong here ... ;) ).
>> 2. Is there any possibilty to resize a picture in MediaWiki? The
>> pictures in chapter 3 ("String area on the Translate tab",
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:TranslateTab.png), 3.4
>> ("Status Bar giving several indications and filter
>> possibilities",
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:StatusBar.png), and 4,2
>> ("Terminology entry showing comment and information",
>> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:Terminology.png) are
>> much too broad on my system (Debian Testing AMD64 w/ Firefox
>> 27.0a1
>> (2013-10-11)  and Chromium Version 29.0.1547.57 Debian jessie/sid
>> (217859), KDE 4.10.5, and a display resolution from 1024x768) ...
>> :(
> what is done usually is to thumbnail them, and you get the full
> size by clicking on it. I can do it, no problem

That would be a possibility. I thought, it would be possible to 
resize them via – say – <img src: Filename.png size:optional> (that 
would be pseudo HTML, though I am not sure, how this has to look 
like in wiki syntax or if it is possible) ... ;) The source code of 
the site has [[File:FailingCheks.png|frame|border|none|alt=...]] in 
it. For what reason is the "none" there? Anything to use for 
something special?

>> 3. Under header "3 Translate"
>> (https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/PootleGuide#Translate) you
>> have written: "See the screenshot below: on the left, the element
>> that will help you, on the middle the source string and your
>> translation, on the right the submission button and failed checks
>> if any.". What do you mean with "on the left, the element that
>> will help you"? How exactly would it help me? Would you be so
>> kind to explain it a little bit further? And I cannot help, but
>> this sentence sounds really strange ... :( But maybe my last
>> English lesson was too long ago, and I have forgotten too much
>> ... ;)
> ok, some explanations on vote for suggestions are still missing
> too.


>> 4. Under the header "2.3 Search" you wrote: "As you can see, this
>> search field is pretty limited. You can find Grep commands
>> documented under this page (linked later) if you are using
>> Linux.". Where do I find either the explanation or the link you
>> mention here? Is this something you wanted to add later for some
>> reason ;?
> yes, the second link I mentionned :)

Would it not be better to write "As you can see, this search field 
is pretty limited. You can find Grep commands explained [[Name of 
second guide]], if you are using Linux." ;? Then you can shorten the 
description and you do not need any further paragraph, link 
collection or the like on this page ... ;)

>> If you are not enough disturbed from all the wiki mails, I may
>> have a look at it tomorrow ... ;)
> great, that will help all of us, so don't hesitate to be critical
> :)

O.K. I will have a look at it tomorrow :)
Have a nice evening

Your responsibility as a parent is not as great as you might 
imagine. You need not supply the world with the next conqueror of 
disease or major motion picture star. If your child simply grows up 
to be someone who does not use the word "collectible" as a noun, you 
can consider yourself an unqualified success.
                -- Fran Lebowitz, "Social Studies"

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