
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 10:04:21PM +0000, Michael Bauer wrote:
> Might? Sorry, I realise you're clearly being helpful (no sarcasm
> implied or intended) but if the 'might' implies 'we might not' then
> I'm a bit perplexed. Either there is a cutoff (something in the 75%
> regions seems reasonable) or there isn't. Since when did OS software
> get so linguisticall restrictive? Especially since there seems to be
> close to zero quality control in terms of what Ubuntu pushes out in
> terms of its OS localizations.

There is not reason to get aggressive here. ;)

The situation is as follows:
- I would rather not diff from Debian to much on the set of l10ns, there is
  little reason for a good l10n not also being build on Debian too
- Im not the Debian maintainer -- thats really Renes call

So Id like to see Renes reply and only if he denies it for some reason that I
consider unjustified, I will do a Diff to Debian. I consider that unlikely as
Rene is quite a reasonable guy(*).



(*) However, it _might_ be that Rene would prefer a bug report on Debian over
    rambling on a mailing list. Just like I do usually FWIW -- it makes it
    easier to keep track of the multitude the little things to take care of.

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